1. But, yes, in theory at least it might be possible.

2. But brain theory could simply not explain the questions we wonder about most:

3. We have a feeling of expectancy.

4. While this eliminates risk and helps to insure that the man and woman will be similar in background and outlook, the theory is that the personalities of the couple provide enough differences to make the relationship interesting.

5. This theory is abstruse.

6. The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.

7. The teacher is explaining the theory of evolution to the students.

8. Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle´s theory of falling objects.
    后来, 大约在四百年前, 一位名叫伽利略的意大利科学家开始怀疑亚里斯多德的落体学说.

9. The boy is mustard on the theory of numbers and on solid geometry.

10. The book, however, is much more than an argument against the latest racially biased theory.